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ZF 800V system project landed

Date:2022-09-13   Author:XINDA MOTOR

In the face of various uncertain factors such as the epidemic, chip supply shortage, rising energy and raw material prices, Russia-Ukraine conflict, and supply chain terminals, the global auto industry, from OEMs to suppliers, is struggling to find a way out. There is such a company, which is looking for a way out in the uncertain future, and its transformation efforts are beyond people's imagination. This is ZF, which ranks among the top three global auto suppliers.

  Just a few years ago, when it came to ZF, one key word came to people's minds - gearbox. Now, ZF's transmission is still the first choice for high-end gasoline vehicles. However, in the field of electric vehicles, ZF has already quietly deployed, and has begun to achieve certain results.

  Recently, Stephan von Schuckmann, director of the ZF Group, stated that the company's order volume in the field of electric drives for passenger cars and commercial vehicles that needs to be delivered by 2030 is close to 23 billion euros.

"Stephan von Schuckmann, Director of the ZF Group"

■ Power 800V silicon carbide electric drive axle

  800 volts is a very cutting-edge technology in electric drive technology, and it is also an important selling point for electric vehicles. Its characteristics are: first, the high-voltage electric drive will improve the efficiency of energy use and increase the cruising range; second, the 800-volt high voltage can also improve the charging efficiency and better meet the needs of the high-end market.

  It is reported that the world's first order for ZF's 800-volt electric drive system is a sports car customer. However, as the technology continues to mature and costs fall, 800 volts is expected to enter a wider market.

  ZF's 800-volt electric drive product, a three-in-one bridge, uses silicon carbide power semiconductors and advanced winding technology. Compared with the previous generation of 400-volt silicon-based similar products, ZF’s 800-volt system is 25% lighter, and its performance and efficiency are increased by 33% and 11%, respectively. These optimized parameters will bring great value to customers.

  ZF was one of the first global suppliers to bring 800-volt electric drive systems to mass production. The 800-volt silicon carbide electric drive axle project off the assembly line is led and developed by the local team of ZF Electric Drive Technology Division in Shanghai. It is the latest business practice of ZF "in China, for the world".

  As for the 800-volt three-in-one system, will it be introduced internationally? Stephen von Schuckmann said: "Currently, ZF's 800-volt technology will be applied first in China. However, we are also developing highly flexible modular systems. On this basis, new electric drive systems will continue to be used. It has been put into production and launched in the global market. Going forward, we will continue to introduce new technologies and continuously upgrade the software system for the relevant electric drive architecture.”

  It is reported that the product will be the first to be applied to the first pure electric crossover model of an international brand.

■ Shopping for China's new energy vehicle slot race

  ZF's transformation is unfolding all over the world, and one of the main battlefields is in China. China is the world's largest auto market and one of the main battlegrounds for parts suppliers.

  On September 2, ZF, which is positioned as a global automotive technology company, announced that its 800-volt electric drive axle product officially rolled off the production line in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou. This is the first launch of the system in China and the first mass production in the world. Fu has entered a new and important stage in successfully promoting the "next generation mobility" strategy.

  The total investment of ZF Hangzhou project is about 300 million US dollars. The first phase has completed three processing and assembly production lines, with an annual output of 400,000 sets of axle transmission systems and reducer gear sets; the second phase of the newly put into operation mainly produces 800-volt electric drive axles The assembly, including the hairpin synchronous motor stator and rotor production line, the highly integrated electric drive axle assembly line and the fully automatic off-line testing equipment, will have a production capacity of 200,000 sets/year, and will become a benchmark factory for Industrialization 4.0.

  When talking about the Hangzhou project, Stephen von Schuckmann said, "At the product level, ZF's 800-volt electric drive axle is the first component supplier to achieve mass production. At the project level, the Hangzhou base also has many Advantages, including the use of the most advanced winding technology. In addition, our electric drive reducer is also produced in the Hangzhou factory. Our silicon carbide electronic control part also comes from another ZF home appliance drive factory in China. The entire electric drive axle assembly is completely self-developed."

  The Asia-Pacific headquarter of ZF Electric Drive Technology Division is located in Shanghai. There are four factories and one engineering technology center in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenyang. The products cover 8-speed transmission, axle drive, electric drive axle, motor, electric control and Reducer, the domestic R & D team is nearly 500 people. In the future, this number will double.

  Regarding the development prospects of the 800-volt system and electric drive business in China, Stephen von Schuckmann said: "China is the world's largest automotive market, and we continue to be optimistic about the Chinese market. This year is the 'first year' for the 800-volt system to land in China. , is expected to become a mainstream technology in the next few years.”