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What are the specific parameters of AC servo motors?

Date:2024-05-22   Author:XINDA MOTOR
AC servo motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It mainly consists of a stator and a rotor. When alternating current is supplied to the stator, a rotating magnetic field will be generated. The rotor will rotate and output mechanical energy under the action of the rotating magnetic field. AC servo motors have the characteristics of high precision, high response speed and high stability, and are widely used in various automation control systems .

  In AC servo motors, parameters such as the rotor's moment of inertia , maximum torque, and response time can be adjusted according to actual needs to meet the needs of different systems. At the same time, AC servo motors also have various control methods, which can be precisely controlled and adjusted by the controller to achieve complex movements and operations. Compared with DC servo motors, AC servo motors have higher efficiency and longer service life. They also do not require maintenance and brush replacement, and have better reliability and stability. Therefore, in many high-precision, high-efficiency and high-reliability application scenarios, AC servo motors have become the preferred driving method.
  AC servo motor is an important part of servo system , and its performance directly affects the accuracy, stability and response speed of servo system. The following are some specific parameters of AC servo motor:
  Rated power: The rated power of a motor is usually expressed in kilowatts (kW) or watts (W). Rated power refers to the maximum power that the motor can operate continuously at rated voltage and frequency.
  Rated voltage: The rated voltage of a motor is usually expressed in volts (V). Rated voltage refers to the voltage at which the motor can operate normally at rated power.
  Rated current: The rated current of a motor is usually expressed in amperes (A). The rated current is the maximum current that the motor can run continuously at rated power and voltage.
  Rated speed: The rated speed of the motor is usually expressed in revolutions per minute (r/min). Rated speed refers to the maximum speed at which the motor can operate continuously under rated power and voltage.
  Moment of inertia: The moment of inertia of a motor is usually expressed in kilogram·meter² (kg·m²). Moment of inertia refers to the inertia of the rotor when the motor suddenly starts or stops.
  Maximum torque: The maximum torque of the motor is usually expressed in Newton meters (N m). Maximum torque refers to the maximum torque that the motor can produce at rated voltage and frequency.
  Response time: The response time of the motor refers to the time required from the input signal to the motor reaching maximum torque. The shorter the response time, the faster the motor responds.
  Position accuracy: The position accuracy of the motor refers to the positioning accuracy that the motor can achieve with the cooperation of the encoder. The higher the position accuracy, the higher the motor control accuracy.
  Speed accuracy: The speed accuracy of the motor refers to the speed control accuracy that the motor can achieve with the cooperation of the encoder. The higher the speed accuracy, the smoother the motor will be.
  Overload capacity: The overload capacity of a motor refers to the overload torque that the motor can withstand in a short period of time. The stronger the overload capacity, the better the motor's load-bearing capacity.
  The specific parameters of AC servo motors can be divided into two categories: structural parameters and control parameters. Structural parameters mainly include stator resistance, inductance, mutual inductance, rotor resistance and moment of inertia, etc. These parameters determine the mechanical characteristics and control accuracy of the motor. Control parameters mainly include control voltage, control current, control loop gain , etc. These parameters determine the control method and performance of the motor.
  Specifically, the functions of some main parameters of AC servo motors are as follows:
  Current loop pi parameter: This parameter is mainly used to adjust the motor's current loop, including armature current, bus voltage and magnetic flux, etc. By adjusting the current loop pi parameter, the motor's torque and speed can be controlled, and the motor can also be protected from overload.
  Speed loop pi parameter: This parameter is mainly used to adjust the speed loop of the motor, including speed given, speed feedback and motor speed, etc. By adjusting the speed loop pi parameters, the speed and acceleration of the motor can be controlled, and the speed of the motor can also be limited and protected.
  Position loop pi parameter: This parameter is mainly used to adjust the position loop of the motor, including position given, position feedback and motor position, etc. By adjusting the position loop pi parameters, the position accuracy and stability of the motor can be controlled, and the position of the motor can also be limited and protected.
  Electronic gear ratio: This parameter is mainly used to adjust the pulse equivalent of the motor, that is, the number of pulses required for the motor to rotate one circle. By adjusting the electronic gear ratio, the resolution and accuracy of the motor can be controlled, and the speed of the motor can also be limited and protected.
  Rotor resistance and moment of inertia: These two parameters determine the mechanical characteristics and control accuracy of the motor. The greater the rotor resistance, the lower the motor speed; the greater the rotational inertia, the slower the motor's response speed. By adjusting these two parameters, the motor's wide speed range, linear mechanical characteristics, and fast response performance can be achieved.
  Automatic tuning mode: This parameter is mainly used to automatically adjust various parameters of the motor, including current loop pi parameters, speed loop pi parameters, position loop pi parameters, etc. By turning on the automatic tuning mode, the motor can automatically optimize various parameters after powering on, improving the control accuracy and performance of the motor.
  In short, the specific parameters of the AC servo motor have an important impact on the performance and control accuracy of the motor, and need to be reasonably adjusted and set according to the actual application scenario.