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China's motor exports face challenges and market demand is weak

Date:2023-09-17   Author:XINDA MOTOR

Decline in overseas market demand

China's exports of electrical products fell by 9.1%



Affected by the decline in demand in overseas markets, China's exports of electrical products have declined this year. According to customs statistics, from January to July, China's export volume of electrical products was US$8.7 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 9.1%.

Export regional markets have mixed performance



From the perspective of export regional markets, the export volume of China's electrical products to various regions showed different trends in the first seven months. Specifically, China's exports of electrical products to Africa were US$350 million, a year-on-year increase of 8.6%; exports to North America were US$1.19 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 19.9%; exports to Europe were US$2.62 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 12.7% ; Exports to Latin America were US$700 million, a year-on-year decrease of 2.4%; exports to Asia were US$3.7 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 5.3%.

Market performance varies widely in different countries



Further analysis of different national markets shows that the export value of China's electrical products to various destinations has also shown differences since this year . Data show that among the top ten export destinations of electrical products, the amount of exports of electrical products to Japan has increased, while the amount of exports of electrical products to the United States and Germany has declined. Specific data shows that from January to July this year, China’s exports of electrical products to Japan were approximately US$580 million, a year-on-year increase of 12.9%; exports to the United States were US$1.1 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 19.9%; exports to Germany were US$450 million. US dollar, down 13.8% year-on-year.

Small and medium-sized motors are still the main export products



At present, China's most important motor export products are still small and medium-sized motors. Since the beginning of this year, among all types of motor products, the export volume of large motors has dropped the most. Data show that from January to July, the export value of small and medium-sized motor products was US$6.34 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 6.7%; the export value of large motor products was US$450 million, a year-on-year decrease of 32%; the export value of micro-motor products was US$1.82 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 32%. down 22.2%. Among them, DC motors and DC generators with output power ≤750W are still the largest single products in China's motor exports.

Accelerate transformation and upgrading to meet challenges



Since this year, the price fluctuations of copper, the main raw material for motors, have increased the instability of corporate operations. Although China's motor industry has accelerated the improvement of production technology through innovation, cooperation and introduction over the years and has formed a certain industrial scale and industry structure, with the rapid development of information technology, intelligence has become an important trend in industrial development. . Countries' requirements for motor quality, efficiency, durability, environmental protection and other aspects are constantly increasing, which has brought great challenges to Chinese motor export companies.

Zhang Sen said: "Currently, industry enterprises have not invested enough in high-end equipment, and their technological level is relatively lagging behind that of first-class manufacturers in the United States, Japan, Europe and other countries and regions. At the same time, the role of the industry's R&D platform is not fully played, and the high-end production equipment, The level of intelligence and greening is low, and there is still room for breakthroughs in the production of high-end, precision, and new motors." Zhang Sen suggested that motor companies should take the initiative in technological innovation and accelerate the pace of intelligent transformation. Motor companies should not only increase investment in technology research and development and innovation, master key core technologies, accelerate industrial transformation, improve product performance and quality, and promote the upgrading of motor products. At the same time, we should promote basic cutting-edge and common key technology research, reduce the pressure of rising costs through R&D innovation, process improvement, process optimization, etc., strengthen independent brand building, enhance market competitiveness, and actively explore the international and domestic markets. Gain a dominant position in the industry. Only by accelerating transformation and upgrading can China's motor industry obtain better development opportunities in the fierce market competition.