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How to identify the specific type of motor from the motor name code

Date:2023-02-04   Author:XINDA MOTOR

In the series naming of motor products , there will always be some letter combinations that can represent product structural features or product application features to form a letter combination that can represent the product to greater extent. For example , "Y" is the capitalization of the first letter of different " in asynchronous motor ; "T" is the capitalization of the first letter of tong " in synchronous motor ; "R" is the word winding when the rotor of the motor is wound The first letter of the pinyin is capitalized; "Z" is the first letter of the pinyin of heavy in lifting equipment, etc.

The code of the motor is generally composed of 4 parts: product code, specification code, special environment code and supplementary code . Among them, the product code is the product information directly communicated between the producer and the consumer, and the product code is composed of the motor type code and the motor feature code. , Design serial number and excitation mode code are composed of four subsections in turn.

The type code is the various types of Chinese pinyin letters that characterize the motor. For example: asynchronous motors are represented by "Y" , synchronous motors are represented by "T" , synchronous generators are represented by "TF" , DC motors are represented by "Z" , DC generators are represented by "ZF" , etc.

The characteristic code is to characterize the performance, structure or use of the motor, and it is also represented by Chinese pinyin letters. For example: explosion-proof type is represented by B YB is explosion-proof asynchronous motor; electromagnetic brake type is represented by YEJ , pole-changing multi-speed motor is represented by YD , variable frequency speed regulation type is represented by YVP YVF YP YBP , etc.

With the incorporation of personalized elements in the design of motor products , many motor companies have more integrated some ideas of Ontology without violating the general naming According to the naming method, motor consumers can carefully identify the performance of the motor itself.

The more common naming cases of variable frequency motors mainly include the following:

YVF YP YBP YZP YGP YTS and other forms, according to the conventional naming rules, as long as "P" appears in the code name , most of them are the first letter of frequency " in frequency conversion.

However , in the two naming methods of YVF and YTS , the code name "P" is not involved , but a different characteristic method is adopted for naming .

In the YVF code, stands for series squirrel cage induction motor; VF is actually a variable frequency speed regulation mode that can be used in V/F constant control mode, not all series motors are suitable for variable frequency speed regulation drives, so YVF represents The motors in the Y series can be used for frequency conversion and speed regulation; it is the second domestic unified design of small and medium-sized three-phase asynchronous motors by the Ministry of Machinery Industry during the planned economy period .

The characteristic of the YVF motor is that the base frequency is below 50HZ , which is constant torque operation, and above 50HZ is constant power operation. The selection of the inverter is determined from the operation of the fan. If the base frequency is the higher speed of the fan, it can be positioned for light load. On the contrary, the performance of the motor should be considered. The output power of the motor increases in proportion to the cube of the speed, and it must be heavy load.

YTS series motor is a kind of frequency conversion motor specially used for hoisting machines, which is more suitable for the application requirements of this working condition and has largely replaced the YR series motor market.