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Protection and other classification standards for three-phase asynchronous motors

Date:2023-02-04   Author:XINDA MOTOR

The commonly used protection levels of three- phase asynchronous motors generally includeIP23, IP44, IP54, IP55, IP56, and IP65. What does the protection class IP of these motors mean? What are the criteria for judging? XINDA discusses this series of issues with you. Three- phase asynchronous motorsare classified by their dust-proof and moisture-proof features. The IP protection level is composed of two numbers. The first number indicates the level of dustproof and foreign object intrusion prevention, and the second number indicates the degree of airtightness against moisture and water intrusion. The larger the number, the higher the protection level. The first is the level of protection against solids and the second is the level of protection against liquids. There are 7 grades of solid defense, represented by 0 to 6 respectively; 9 grades of liquid defense, represented by 0 to 8 respectively. The specific instructions are as follows:

The meaning of the first digit after the motor protection level

0 unprotected motor

There is no special protection against external people or objects   . Motors whose protection is greater than 50mm solid prevent the human body (such as the palm) from touching or approaching the live or rotating parts in the casing due to accidents (but cannot prevent intentional contact),

2 Motors protected against solids larger than 1 2mm

Prevent people's fingers from touching live or rotating parts in the casing, and prevent foreign objects with a diameter greater than 12.5mm from intruding.

3 Motors protected against solids larger than 2.5mm

Prevent tools, wires and similar small foreign objects with a diameter or thickness greater than 2.5mm from intruding and touching live or rotating parts in the casing.

4 Motors protected against solids larger than 1.0mm

Prevent tools, wires and similar small foreign objects with a diameter or thickness greater than 1.0mm from intruding and touching live or rotating parts in the casing.

5 dustproof motor

It is very good to prevent the intrusion of foreign objects, and the intrusion of dust will not affect the normal operation of the motor.

6 dust-tight motor

Prevent the intrusion of foreign objects and dust

The meaning of the second digit behind the motor protection level IP

0 unprotected motor

No special protection against water or moisture.

1 anti-drip motor

Vertically falling water droplets (eg condensate 9) have no harmful effect.

2 15° anti-drip motor

When the motor is tilted at any angle up to 15° from vertical , dripping water has no harmful effect.

3 Anti-spray motor

Spraying water in a direction at an angle less than 60° from the vertical has no harmful effect.

4 Splash-proof motors

Withstands no harmful effects from splashing water from all directions.

5 Anti-spray motor

Withstands no harmful effects from water sprayed from all directions.

6 anti-wave motor

When subjected to violent sea waves or strong water jets, the amount of water ingress to the motor shall not reach a harmful level.

7 Anti-immersion motor

After the motor is immersed in the specified pressure water for a specified time, the amount of water entering the motor should not reach a harmful level.

8 continuous submersible motors

The motor can be submerged for a long time under the conditions specified by the manufacturer (watertight type).

The higher the protection level of the motor is not, the better. The higher the protection level, the more unfavorable it is for the heat dissipation of the motor. The higher the cooling device requirements, the more expensive the price. Therefore, the selection of the protection level should be determined according to the actual use environment As the driving force equipment, the motor is a very important link. The factory that pays attention to the use and maintenance will provide a relatively clean environment for use, so that IP23 can be satisfied, and the motor can often be extended. However, if it is used in the open air, it is necessary to consider preventing the entry of mosquitoes and dust, and preventing rain, snow and water from splashing, and IP54 is often selected . Submersible motors used underwater must have a protection class of IP68.