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What should do when small and medium-sized gear reduction motor has loud noise, heat, and vibration

Date:2023-02-03   Author:XINDA MOTOR

We are all familiar with the gear reducer motor, so do you know how to deal with the gear reducer with loud noise, heat and vibration?

The first is the issue of heat. There are two main situations about the heating problem. First, the reducer is seriously heated but there is no abnormal sound. Generally speaking, it is a problem of too much oil ; ;If there is a large abnormal sound in the operation of the equipment when it is hot, the sound becomes heavy and the corresponding load current also increases, it means that the equipment has been overloaded, and the operation should be stopped immediately to check the reason.

Small and medium gear reducer motor motor RV reducer

Another problem is the tooth surface. Tooth surface problems are one of the common faults of gear reducers , mainly including tooth surface clearance wear, poor meshing of new and old gears, and tooth surface pitting. Gear clearance wear often manifests as a knocking sound when the gear reducer is empty, and the sound becomes smaller and there is no knocking noise under load. At this time, the gear with a greater degree of wear should be replaced or the time is tight. Turn the worn gear upside down and use it: just after the gear is replaced, it is often accompanied by problems such as loud and uneven sound, especially when the old and new gears are used together, because the tooth surfaces of the old and new gears have not been in good contact. The reason is that the sound of the machine will return to normal after a period of use: if the gear reducer accidentally enters foreign objects, if the sound is uneven, you should immediately check the cause and deal with it in time to avoid affecting the use of the machine: there is The pitting problem of the tooth surface, the main feature is that the reducer will make a loud "boom boom" sound during operation. At this time, the machine should be stopped immediately and judged in time whether the machine is overloaded, the oil level is too high or the tooth surface is serious. Wear, make corresponding solutions for different situations.

Of course, there is also the vibration problem that we care about. During the use of the gear reducer, there may be vibrations. The main reasons are that the bolts are loose or broken, and the rolling bearings are severely worn. For the bolt problem, check the screws of each component in time, clarify the use of the screws and tighten or replace the broken screws ; for the vibration caused by bearing wear and excessive clearance, you can open the hole cover to check each bearing. Repair and replace according to inspection. In addition, there are situations where the drive shaft rotates but the main shaft does not work. Generally, it is caused by broken gears or broken roller keys, which makes the gears of the reducer lose their meshing ability. The method of judging the fault point is simple and feasible. Check the drive Where the shaft does not operate normally is the point of the fault, find the cause and then repair and replace it.