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Twelve common maintenance and testing of electric tricycles

Date:2022-12-22   Author:XINDA MOTOR

Now many electric tricycle manufacturers are of good quality. Another serious meaning of product homogeneity, that is, everyone's quality is the same. But why are products of the same quality, and even different people buying cars of the same brand, style and configuration, some cars can only last for three years, while others can last for five or even eight years?

  This involves daily maintenance and usage habits. Some people pay attention to maintenance and use it carefully, so the car will be durable. And some people are careless, have bad habits, and don't pay attention to maintenance. Of course, the car will soon have to pay the dues. The following is a summary of the guidance for some frequent maintenance on the south side, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Henan electric tricycle

   12 routine maintenance for tricycles

  1. When adjusting the height of the handlebar, the safety line of the outer water riser of the front fork lock should not be exposed.

  2. When adjusting the height of the saddle, pay attention that the safety line of the saddle tube cannot be exposed outside the tube inside the frame; the specific height of the rider can be on the ground to ensure comfort and safety.

  3. The front and back of the brake operation should be flexible, and the spring should be used to reset quickly. After the brake, there should be a finger distance between the brake and the setting. (This point must be paid attention to, the brake car does not work, it is easy to cause accidents, the brake car is too dead, it will consume power and damage the motor controller)

Henan electric tricycle

  4. Regularly check whether the brake power-off device is intact.

  Method: Support the rear wheel, turn on the switch, start the motor, and then lightly hold the brake, the motor should be able to cut off the power quickly and gradually stop rotating. If the motor cannot be shut down at this time, stop driving and ask for professional maintenance before use.

5. After inflating to a certain air pressure, turn the rim, beat the tire evenly with your hands, and then continue to inflate the tire to make the tire coincide with the rim, so as to avoid the phenomenon of tire sliding when riding.

  6. Before driving, check the electric plug of the battery box, whether the polarity seat is shaken, whether the electric lock is flexible, whether the battery box is locked, whether the horn and light buttons are valid, and whether the bulb is in good condition.

  7. In order to ensure safety, please turn on the switch of the electric tricycle in the car, and turn off the switch in time when parking or running, so as to prevent accidental turning and cause the vehicle to start suddenly. It is not a small probability event that a child drives a tricycle! This point, please pay attention to the majority of owners.

Henan electric tricycle

  8. Do not use the motor starting handle and brake handle at the same time, so as not to cause motor overload and damage other parts. This is not seen in adults. But once the above conditions are met, it can suppress combustion as a vehicle controller or its components!

  9. What should I do if the vehicle is still powered on when the motor is released? At this time, the switch should be turned off immediately and the vehicle should be sent to a professional maintenance department for maintenance. Sometimes it's a function of the tram keeping the same speed, so don't be afraid. If you don't have this feature, you need to see a doctor.

  10. Use lubricating oil to maintain the transmission parts of the car body, such as the front axle, center axle, flywheel, front fork shock absorber rotation fulcrum and other components, scrub once every six months to one year, and add butter or oil as needed. Note: It is strictly forbidden to oil the front and rear brakes and tires! It should be oiled, it should not be oiled, and it cannot be oiled!

Henan electric tricycle

  11. Regularly check whether the front and rear forks, handlebars, flat fork shafts, rear shock absorbers, and fasteners are loose. Check once a month. If you find one loose, you can go to your local designated repair location and have it repaired by a professional.

  12. Try to avoid direct sunlight and rain to prevent corrosion of the body or rotating parts. When using in the rainy season or passing through pools or stagnant water, the water level should not be higher than the water level of the motor to prevent damage to the motor caused by water ingress. Both sun exposure and drinking water are the main culprits in shortening the life of a streetcar!