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Where is the future pointer of the modern motor industry anchored?

Date:2022-12-14   Author:XINDA MOTOR
At present, Chinese motor industry has made remarkable progress after more than 40 years of surging development. Especially under the main background of reducing energy consumption, energy saving and emission reduction, high-efficiency and energy-saving motors have become the consensus of the development of the motor industry in China and even in the world.
Looking at the division of labor in the global motor market, China is the manufacturing area of motors, and developed countries in Europe and the United States are the technology research and development areas of motors. For example, China is the largest producer of micro-motors in the world, and Japan, Germany, and the United States are the leading forces in the research and development of micro-motors, controlling most of the world's high-end, precision, and new micro-motor technologies .
From the perspective of market share, the scale of China's motor industry accounts for 30%, overwhelming the United States, which accounts for 27%, and the European Union, which accounts for 20%. At the same time, the domestic industrial motor industry is gradually changing from "big and comprehensive" to "specialized and intensive", which further promotes the multi-directional development of technology and production in my country's industrial motor industry.

>>>>Application trend of motor industry<<<<

With the continuous development of science and technology, the continuous popularization and deepening of concepts such as smart home and industrial automation, all kinds of motors have new application requirements in the fields of home appliances, automotive and industrial technologies.

In the field of home appliances, the intelligence of electrical appliances requires electrical appliances to generate corresponding feedback on human-machine communication. For example, the sweeping robot needs to scan the computing space, plan the route, and then perform the movement and corresponding cleaning work. The demand for motors is more obvious in the intelligentization of automobiles. For example, newly developed passenger cars generally popularize concepts such as electric doors, electric windows, electric rearview mirrors, electric seats, and multi-vent controllable automatic inverter air conditioners. The function makes the number of motors increase dramatically.

>>>>The future development of the motor industry<<<<

High-efficiency development : Under the framework of energy conservation and emission reduction, high-efficiency energy-saving motors are an inevitable direction for the development of the motor industry, and high-efficiency energy-saving motors will drive the industrial chain to achieve rapid development. High-efficiency and energy-saving motors will push my country's industry to a new level and help achieve the goal of Made in China 2025.

Diversified development : motor products are widely used in energy, transportation, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, mining, construction and other fields. Combined with the current requirements of my country's industrial development based on the improvement of the quality of life of the people, the application of motors will be more biased towards special scenarios.
Refined development : The development of smart cities and industrial automation in the future will significantly increase the demand for intelligent robots and automation equipment, and their operation must be driven by motors. These fine operations will also require small and delicate motors.