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How to choose a qualified motor manufacturer, what quality certification is required?

Date:2022-11-18   Author:XINDA MOTOR

The term "quality" is in most cases defined in subjective terms, e.g. exceeding expectations, or in more casual terms such as "the motor does its job well", a high quality motor exceeds the customer's expectations And to get it right, these definitions of quality are generic and subjective for an electric motor manufacturer with a long-term relationship with its customers. In motor manufacturers, quality is more properly defined in objective and measurable terms, quality is defined and achieved through the process by which the motor is produced. The manufacturing process is controlled and measured against an objective standard for motors, and the "quality" of a DC motor should be as close to that standard as possible.

     These processes are not limited to manufacturing operations performed on the shop floor, the electric motor manufacturer's quality processes extend throughout the supply chain, including the design process as well as the execution of documented production tasks. Motor companies need to integrate multiple quality systems that provide a checks and balances "gauge" to verify that their custom designed motors are produced by a standardized process that meets the expected "quality" on every motor that leaves the factory .

ISO 9000 series quality management system

     ISO 9000 is a series of standards for managing the quality control process of an organization. The standard is published by the International Organization for Standardization and is based on eight management principles, which include customer-centricity, process management, decision-making, supplier relations, etc. The ISO 9000 standard has evolved over the years and motor manufacturers need to be certified in the latest version of the series: ISO-9001:2019. The OEM has utilized the ISO 9000 quality management system to standardize production procedure documentation, monitor supplier quality, and implement a comprehensive testing program, which includes 100% off-line testing and first article inspection, and each motor produced by the OEM is performance-tested and reliable Run the tests.

Lean Six Sigma Quality System

     Lean Six Sigma is a business process management system that combines "Lean" management concepts and "Six Sigma" quality concepts to improve quality through process control and reduce process errors, defects and waste. The system emphasizes continuous improvement of processes. An electric motor manufacturer is using Lean Six Sigma to achieve bottom-line results such as improving operational processes, quickly and systematically identifying problems and solutions, and reducing waste and cycle time.

Independent Product Safety Testing

     A quality electric motor is a safe product that can be measured by independent testing. To verify the safety of their products, motor manufacturers use independent testing organizations such as Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) to independently test entire lines of their custom-designed custom flow motors. production line, UL and CSA list all OEM's motor safety requirements.

in conclusion

     Motor manufacturers provide long-term services for industrial application needs by providing motor products with excellent performance, employing well-trained production personnel to design and produce in large modern manufacturing plants using the latest production technology and quality standards, in design and/or Or when motors are manufactured, they are 100% tested offline to ensure the highest quality and best performance.