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What is the difference between an extended-range electric vehicle and a pure electric vehicle

Date:2022-10-21   Author:XINDA MOTOR
Introduction:The extended-range electric vehicle is a kind of electric vehicle that can achieve all its power performance in pure electric mode. When the on-board rechargeable energy storage system cannot meet the cruising range requirements, the on-board auxiliary power supply device is turned on to provide electrical energy for the power system to Electric vehicles with extended range.

  A pure electric vehicle refers to a vehicle that is powered by an on-board power supply and driven by a motor, and meets the requirements of road traffic and safety regulations. So which is better, extended-range electric vehicles or pure electric vehicles? Let's first understand the main differences between the two:

  1. The cost of using pure electric vehicles is lower

  The daily travel cost of pure electric vehicles is mainly electricity, and maintenance does not require too many maintenance items. A small maintenance basically only costs a few hundred dollars. In contrast, the travel cost of extended-range hybrid vehicles is mainly composed of electricity and fuel costs. If you are running at high speed, the travel cost of the vehicle may be higher than that of ordinary fuel vehicles.

  At the same time, because the extended-range model is equipped with an engine, the daily maintenance also needs to replace the oil, oil filter, etc., and then need to replace the spark plug and other parts, and the vehicle system is more complicated than the pure electric vehicle, so the extended-range electric vehicle needs to be replaced. The later maintenance costs will also be relatively higher.

  2. The driving experience of pure electric vehicles is better

  Whether the pure electric car is running at low speed or high speed, there will be no engine noise, and the output characteristics of the motor are also very linear and smooth, and the overall driving experience will be better. Although the extended-range electric vehicle is also completely driven by a motor, the driving texture is close to that of a pure electric vehicle, but when the battery power is insufficient, there will be phenomena such as power drop and engine noise, and the driving experience is very dependent on the battery power.

  3. Extended-range electric vehicles have no endurance anxiety

  At this stage, pure electric vehicles are limited by battery life, so they are mainly suitable for urban areas. On the other hand, extended-range electric vehicles can generate electricity through the engine, and their range of activities is basically unlimited, and there is no anxiety about battery life at all. Pure electric cars are often worried about battery power and energy replenishment.

  4. The price threshold for extended-range electric vehicles is high

  The cheapest extended-range electric vehicles currently on sale cost less than 170,000 yuan, but the average price of such models is still as high as nearly 350,000 yuan; and reflective pure electric vehicles, even if they are not considered miniature cars, pure electric vehicles The purchase threshold of the electric vehicle is only in the early 100,000 yuan, and the average price is 150,000-200,000 yuan. Compared with the two, pure electric vehicles have obvious price advantages.

  Should the family choose an extended-range electric vehicle or a pure electric vehicle?

  In fact, households can choose either an extended program or a pure electric vehicle. The final choice mainly depends on their own conditions and car needs. If you have a rich car purchase budget and need to travel frequently and do not want to worry about battery life, then choose an extended-range electric vehicle. will be better. However, if there are charging conditions at home, the daily car scenes are mainly concentrated in urban areas, and the car purchase budget is not too large, then pure electric vehicles are undoubtedly the best choice.