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Nearly one million new charging piles to be added in 5 months

Date:2022-06-14   Author:XINDA MOTOR

According to data from the China Charging Alliance, in May 2022, the number of domestic public charging piles increased by 87,000 units from April, a year-on-year increase of 60.5%. Since June last year, an average of nearly 45,000 public charging piles have been added every month .

It doesn't seem like the increase is very large, but this is only the number of public charging piles. In addition, the growth rate of private charging piles is faster than that of public charging piles. From January to May this year, the number of domestic charging piles increased by 963,000 , including 272,000 public ones and 691,000 private ones, up 253.8% and 516.5% year-on-year respectively. The need to build private charging stations is increasing.

In the first five months of this and the incremental ratio of vehicles to piles was 2.1:1 . That is to say, if 2.1 vehicles were added to the market, a charging pile would be built accordingly. According to this ratio, the current charging infrastructure construction can basically meet the development needs of new energy vehicles.

In the ranking of car companies with private charging piles built with vehicles, BYD is far ahead with more than 1.36 million units, followed by companies with high sales such as BAIC and SAIC; in terms of public charging pile operators, the market share of Xingxing Charging and Teal is different. There are few, respectively, 19.59% and 19.49%. State Grid and Yunkuaidi are 13.84% and 12.51% respectively. These four companies occupy 65.4% of the entire market share. The fifth-ranked Xiaoju Charging has a market share of nearly 5%.

It can be seen that the market share of the four head charging pile operators has not widened the gap, and the competition is very fierce, while the remaining small and medium-sized operators have also divided up 35% of the market. With the increasing sales of new energy vehicles, the future The charging pile market will continue to achieve rapid growth. The private piles provided by car companies can effectively alleviate the anxiety of energy replenishment caused by the lack of public piles. For example, although BYD does not deploy its own brand supercharger stations, it "ships" a lot of private piles.

As the 800V high-voltage platform gradually becomes popular, various car companies will also deploy the super fast charging mode in the next few years. At present, Weilai and Xiaopeng have built their own charging and swapping stations on the highway, and various provinces and cities are gradually covered. , Regarding the difficulty of charging, except for holidays, it must not be too prominent.