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China's driverless technology accelerates development

Date:2022-06-13   Author:XINDA MOTOR

Japan's "Tokyo Shimbun" recently published a report titled "China's driverless technology leads the world", saying that driverless technology is changing life and the appearance of cities. In the R&D competition, both Chinese and American companies are at the forefront of the world. In China, the logistics and express delivery industries have officially introduced driverless vehicles. Unmanned delivery vehicles not only reduce labor costs, but also help reduce the risk of infection during the epidemic, so they are quite interesting.

  The U.S. and Europe have been leaders in the race to develop self-driving cars, according to VentureBeat, a U.S. technology news site. However, as a major country in the world, China is also catching up, and will achieve overtaking in corners through policy regulation. In the future, China may surpass technological powers such as Europe and the United States in the penetration rate of autonomous vehicles.

  In recent years, "unmanned driving", as a hot word in technology, has frequently appeared in the field of vision of the Chinese people. Referring to the classification definition of autonomous driving by the American Society of Automotive Engineers, according to the degree of intelligence, autonomous driving is divided into 5 levels from L1 to L5: L1 refers to assisted driving, L2 refers to partial automatic driving, L3 refers to conditional automatic driving, L4 refers to highly autonomous driving, and L5 refers to fully autonomous driving, that is, true unmanned driving. The concept of "unmanned driving", which is increasingly active in the public eye, often refers to autonomous driving at the level of L3 and above.

  The core technology system of unmanned driving can be divided into three levels: perception, decision-making, and execution. The perception system is equivalent to human eyes and ears, and is responsible for perceiving the surrounding environment, collecting and processing environmental information and in-vehicle information, mainly including vehicle cameras, lidar, millimeter-wave radar, ultrasonic radar and other technologies. The decision-making system is equivalent to the human brain, responsible for data integration, path planning, navigation and decision-making, mainly including high-precision maps, Internet of Vehicles and other core technologies. The executive system is equivalent to the human cerebellum and limbs, responsible for the acceleration, braking and steering of the car and other driving actions, mainly including core technologies such as the wire-controlled chassis.

  China's driverless technology officially started in 1992 and has been in development for 30 years. At present, the penetration rate and commercialization of unmanned driving in China are accelerating, and the mass production of L2+ level autonomous driving is increasing rapidly and gradually transitioning to L3 level. Overall, China's driverless technology development is at the forefront of the world. At the technical level, China's driverless technology has its own core technologies at all levels of perception, decision-making, and execution, among which there are many representative companies that are leading the world in technology such as Baidu and Alibaba. At the application level, China's current driverless technology application scenarios are very rich. In 2021, the commercialization of unmanned driving will be applied in many production and life scenarios, including unmanned distribution applied to the "last mile" end distribution of logistics distribution, unmanned transportation applied to closed environments such as ports and mines, and unmanned transportation applied to trunk logistics. Unmanned trucks and unmanned sanitation vehicles applied to fixed roads in communities, etc. At the supporting level, the Chinese government provides more policy and financial support for the technological development in the field of unmanned driving.

  At present, improving stability and reliability is an important direction for global unmanned driving technology research. This requires that the perception level must be more accurate, the decision-making level must improve the algorithm ability of machine learning and route planning under special circumstances, and the execution level must improve the effectiveness, security and response speed. In addition, unmanned driving puts forward higher requirements for a series of supporting and supporting technologies and industries such as high computing power chips, sensors, vehicle manufacturing, artificial intelligence algorithms, and vehicle-road collaboration. To achieve a leap-forward development that breaks through the bottleneck of driverless technology, it is inseparable from the technological progress of related industries.

  In the past two years, the field of autonomous driving in China has developed very rapidly. At present, the mine unmanned transportation technology has been put into operation, and the research and development of high computing power chips has also made rapid progress. China's unique global economic structure covering the entire industry chain, rich driverless application scenarios, policy and infrastructure support provided by the government, a large amount of funds poured into the driverless industry, and scientific research institutes vigorously cultivate corresponding talents, all of which are for China The development of the driverless industry offers huge advantages.

  The subversive transformative effect of the development of driverless technology on the automobile manufacturing industry and the boosting effect on the modern industrial upgrading will become increasingly apparent. At present, intelligent assisted driving has become the mainstream of the transformation and development of the automobile industry. In the future, driverless technology will drive the research and development and application of information technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing, and promote the transformation and upgrading of China's economy. Based on China's current technological breakthroughs and application trends in the entire unmanned driving industry chain, it is foreseeable that China will make rapid progress in the industrialization of intelligent assisted driving and become a dazzling landscape in the global unmanned driving field. (Reporter Gao Qiao interviewed and arranged)