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Servo motor market size and pattern analysis

Date:2024-03-09   Author:XINDA MOTOR
As the core component of modern industrial equipment, servo motors have an increasingly prominent market position. This article focuses on the overview, market size and pattern of servo motors, and the future development trends of servo motors.
1. Overview of servo motor
servo motor servo motor
The word "servo" comes from the Greek word "slave". Servo in English is servo, which means that the system follows external instructions to perform the desired movement, achieving precise control of position, speed, acceleration and torque. "Servo motor" can be understood as a motor that absolutely obeys the command of the control signal: before the control signal is sent, the rotor is stationary; when the control signal is sent, the rotor rotates immediately; when the control signal disappears, the rotor can stop immediately. Servo motors are the most widely used motors in the industrial automation industry. The servo motor has the advantages of fast response, high precision, fast acceleration and deceleration, and the speed is not affected by the load. It also has a wide speed range, good high-speed performance, stable low-speed operation, and has strong overload resistance and can withstand 3 times the rated torque. load, suitable for occasions with instantaneous load fluctuations and requirements for quick start. Servo motor is a device that can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. It can accurately control speed and position, and has the characteristics of fast response. It is usually used as an actuator in automatic control systems and is an important part of servo systems.
Internal structure of servo motor
Internal structure of servo motor: Servo motor is mainly composed of stator and rotor. There are two windings on the stator, the field winding and the control winding. The internal rotor is made of permanent magnets or induction coils, magnetically conductive materials, and the rotor rotates under the action of the rotating magnetic field generated by the excitation winding. At the same time, the servo motor has its own encoder, and the driver receives the feedback signal from the encoder in real time, and then adjusts the rotor rotation angle based on comparing the feedback value with the target value. It can be seen that the control accuracy of the servo motor is largely determined by the accuracy of the encoder.
How servo motors work
Servo motors are mainly composed of servo drives, electric motors and other related components. The servo motor is used to provide power, while the servo controller is responsible for adjusting the output speed and position and converting it into electrical signals to be sent to the actuator.  

Servo motors usually consist of two parts: an induction motor and a flywheel called a rotor. When the rotor rotates, it generates an electromagnetic field, which drives another small mechanical part called a motor to work. There are two different coils on the rotor that are connected to the suction cups. The suction cup wraps the wire around the rotor, making the entire motor look like a sword. The gearing allows the rotor to rotate smoothly while also limiting noise.
Classification of servo motors
Servo motors are divided into DC and AC servo motors. 1) DC servo motors are divided into brushed and brushless motors: ① Brushed motors have low cost, simple structure, large starting torque, wide speed range, easy control, and require maintenance, but they are easy to maintain (replace carbon brushes), resulting in Electromagnetic interference has requirements for the use environment (dust-free and explosive environments are not suitable), and is usually used in cost-sensitive ordinary industrial and civil situations; ② Brushless motors are small in size and light in weight, with large output and fast response, high speed and small inertia. Stable torque, smooth rotation, complex and intelligent control, flexible electronic commutation method, can realize square wave or sine wave commutation, maintenance-free motor, high efficiency and energy saving, small electromagnetic radiation, low temperature rise and long life, suitable for various environments. 2) AC servo motors are divided into asynchronous servo motors and synchronous servo motors. The advantages of AC servo motors are good speed control characteristics, smooth control in the entire speed range, almost no oscillation, high efficiency of more than 90%, low heat generation, high-speed control, high-precision position control, and constant operation within the rated operating area. Low torque and inertia, low noise, no brush wear, and maintenance-free. The disadvantage is that the control is more complicated, the driver parameters need to be adjusted on-site and the PID parameters are determined, and more connections are required. Most of the high-performance servo systems use permanent magnet synchronous AC servo motors, and the control drivers mostly use full-digital position servo systems with fast and accurate positioning.
2. Servo motor market size and pattern
As a core component of industrial automation, the market size of servo motors has grown steadily with the upgrading of industrial automation.
1) Substitute demand: In the fields of machine tools, textile machinery, printing machinery and packaging machinery, servo motors have advantages in accuracy, torque, overload and other performance compared to stepper motors, and the penetration rate continues to increase; 2) New demand: Industrial Industries such as robots and electronic intelligent manufacturing equipment have high requirements for precision performance, and their rapid growth has contributed to a large increase in the servo motor market. According to statistics from Grand View Research and MIR, the global servo motor market size was 36.7 billion yuan in 2020 and is expected to reach 53.9 billion yuan in 2026. my country's servo motors started late and are still in the growth stage. In 2020, my country's servo motor market size was 14.9 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 22.5 billion yuan in 2026. 65% of the servo motor industry is owned by foreign brands, and the high-end market is basically monopolized by foreign capital. According to MIR data, foreign brands account for 65% of my country's servo motor competition landscape, and domestic brands account for 35%. According to a report from the Qianzhan Industry Research Institute, current mainstream brands can be divided into European, Japanese and domestic brands. Among them, European and Japanese brands occupy the mid-to-high-end market, while domestic brands are mainly concentrated in the mid-to-low-end market.
①European brands account for 20%: such as Siemens, Lenz, Bosch Rexroth, etc., which have high overload capacity, good dynamic response, and strong drive openness, but are expensive and large in size and weight; ②Japanese brands account for 45%: such as Yaskawa , Mitsubishi, Panasonic, etc., the brand performance and price are relatively low, small size, light weight, strong reliability and stability, but weak dynamic response ability, poor openness, overall higher cost performance, most suitable for mid-range needs ; ③ Domestic servo products account for 35%: such as Taiwan Delta, Inovance Technology, Huazhong CNC, etc., the products are basically mature, with poor accuracy and reliability, mostly small and medium power, mid- to low-end servo systems have achieved large-scale mass production, but High-end servo systems have not yet formed commercialization and mass production capabilities.

Inovance Technology ranks first in the domestic market with a market share of 15.9%, followed by Japan's Yaskawa (11.9%), Taiwan's Delta (8.9%), Japan's Panasonic (8.8%), and Japan's Mitsubishi (8.3%), with a CR5 of 53.8 %, higher concentration. At present, my country's mid-to-low-end servo systems have been able to achieve large-scale mass production, but high-end servo systems have not yet formed commercialization and mass production capabilities. Domestic demand for precision servo motor control systems mainly relies on imports. The development of the robot industry is booming. With the advancement of supporting policies for the robot industry and the continuous improvement of domestic servo technology, the pace of import substitution of my country's servo systems will accelerate. The following is an inventory of well-known manufacturers in the domestic servo motor industry.
 3. Servo motor industry chain
As the main raw material for the production of magnetic materials, rare earths rank first in the world in terms of raw materials, reserves and output, and will maintain a long-term and loose supply in the future. The overall upstream supply is relatively loose. As indispensable components of servo systems, encoders and sensors are supported by national policies, and key technologies have made continuous breakthroughs. However, with the increase in raw material prices, the production and manufacturing costs of servo companies have also increased. (1) The upstream includes rare earth magnetic materials, electronic components and other materials. (2) The midstream is servo system manufacturing, including servo motors, servo drives, and CNC systems. (3) Downstream, it is widely used in medical equipment, robots, automobile manufacturing, industry and other fields.
4. Outlook of China’s servo motor industry
With the continuous development of the times, servo motors, as important power components, have been widely used in the mechanical and electronic industries. According to market demand and technological development, the development trend of servo motors will also keep up with the trend of the times. The future development trends are:
1. Use high-efficiency power drive circuits. High-efficiency power drive circuits have low power consumption, high reliability and stability, and can meet the high-performance requirements of various application fields. They are an important direction for the future development of servo motors. 2. Develop low-noise servo motors. Since servo motors cannot completely avoid noise, the development of low-noise servo motors is undoubtedly a hot topic in corporate technology development. The company will strive to improve structural design and develop a series of low-noise servo motors to meet the needs of different applications and improve the adaptability of servo motors. 3. Development of high-performance servo motors. The power of mainstream servo motors continues to increase. Coupled with intelligent control systems, the accuracy, response speed and stability of servo motors have also been significantly improved. In the future, by further studying market demand and technological development, companies will develop higher-performance servo motors to meet market demand. 4. Develop more energy-saving servo motors. Most of the energy directly consumed by servo motors is electrical energy. Under normal circumstances, the motor can only convert 50% of the electrical energy into mechanical energy, and the remaining 50% is lost as heat energy.
Servo systems generally consist of drivers, motors, and encoders. Servo systems are industrial automation control products. The technical difficulties mainly lie in whether they have self-adjusting functions, servo drive response speed, electromagnetic design technology, etc. Due to the high level of integration, complex product design and process, it takes a long time to accumulate experience to produce reliable products. Products with high performance and stability.
① The servo driver (command device) belongs to the drive layer, also known as "servo controller" and "servo amplifier". It generally controls the servo motor through three methods: position, speed and torque to achieve high-precision positioning of the transmission system; change control Voltage can change the speed and direction of the servo motor.
② The servo motor belongs to the execution layer. The servo motor serves as an execution element in the automatic control system, converting the input voltage signal into the angular displacement or angular velocity output of the rotating shaft.
③The encoder (feedback device) is usually built at the end of the servo motor and is used to measure the motor's angle, speed and position, which plays a key role in control accuracy. The driver compares the feedback value with the target value and adjusts the rotor rotation angle to achieve the purpose of servo control.